Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Writers: Rest Is Important

Proper rest leads to productive writing. Take some time to rest your mind, body, and spirit; it allows your creativity to flow more freely. 

I regret to inform you, but you are not a writing machine; even machines malfunction when proper maintenance is neglected.  As writers, we like to believe that we can write, and write, and write - especially when we have a particular goal set in place.  But this is not so.  When you are tired - mentally, physically, or spiritually - your writing will reflect exactly how you feel.  And the last thing you want to do is produce work that lacks vitality.

Rest is important...very important.  In the scheme of life, it's easy to put rest on the back-burner and push yourself to reach your daily, weekly, or monthly goals.  It's absolutely wonderful to be goal-driven; however, it's not so wonderful if you're too worn out - from a lack of proper rest - to enjoy your success.

It's perfectly okay to take a step back from your work to relax.  Rejuvenation refuels your mind, and helps your creativity to flow more freely.  You are at your best when you make time to rest.

As a writer, this is a lesson that I am continually learning.

Taking time to rest does not mean you are neglecting your writing goals.  It simply means that you respect your work enough to ensure that you are at your best so that you are able to give your all to your passion.

Here's what you can do:

Take an afternoon nap.
Go to bed an hour earlier than usual.
Sleep in an extra hour.
Create a healthy writing schedule.
Eat healthy foods.
Drink lots of water.
Take a trip to the spa.

Find whatever it is that helps you rest and rejuvenate, and take advantage of it.  Productive writers are well-rested writers.

Happy Writing!

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