Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Common Misused Words Among Writers

I have a natural eye for editing.  Whenever I read something my eyes automatically zone in on mistakes, and one commonality I see among a lot of writers is the misuse of homonyms.  Homonyms are words that sound the same, but have different meanings and spellings.  It's easy to make these simple mistakes; however, as a writer with great writing ability, you wouldn't want your work to be discredited because of it.

Last week, I read an article on Ezine.com that talked about the top misused words of the English language, and how making these common mistake can discredit a writer's skills. The article writer comprised a list of words, and gave their meaning and correct/incorrect usage.  I thought it would be very helpful for the writers who read this blog.  Check it out below.

*Reposted from Ezine*

Lose vs. Loose
lose – To be deprived of or cease to have; to cause someone to fail to gain or retain something.
Incorrect: Loose weight in 5 weeks or loose your chance to go to the beach!
Correct: Lose weight in 5 weeks or lose your chance to go to the beach!
loose – Not firmly or tightly fixed in place; to release or set free.
Incorrect: The dog’s collar was lose, so Bob tightened it before the dog got lose.
Correct: The dog’s collar was loose, so Bob tightened it before the dog got loose.

Its vs. It’s
its – Associated with a thing previously mentioned or in reference to an animal without prior knowledge of the animal’s gender.
Incorrect: That monkey will never be a ballet dancer; it’s posture is horrendous.
Correct: That monkey will never be a ballet dancer; its posture is horrendous.
it’s– Contraction of it is or it has.
Incorrect: John bikes to work. Its his favorite part of the day.
Correct: John bikes to work. It’s his favorite part of the day.

Your vs. You’re
your – Possessive form of you (typically used before a noun).
Incorrect: You’re article writing skills have improved!
Correct: Your article writing skills have improved!
you’re – Contraction of you are.
Incorrect: Your an article writing master!
Correct: You’re an article writing master!

Their vs. They’re vs. There
their – Possessive adjective indicating a particular noun belongs to them.
Incorrect: There keys are in the ignition.
Correct: Their keys are in the ignition.
they’re – Contraction of they are.
Incorrect: Where are they? Their at the shop.
Correct: Where are they? They’re at the shop.
there – Reference to the existence of something; a place or position.
Incorrect: Their is a reason why the pie is gone. John ate the last slice over they’re.
Correct: There is a reason why the pie is gone. John ate the last slice over there.

To vs. Too
to – In the direction of or at; used with the base form of a verb to show the verb is in the infinitive.
Incorrect: Susan goes too the store too buy vegetables.
Correct: Susan goes to the store to buy vegetables.
too – Very, as well, also.
Incorrect: Bill drives to fast on his motorcycle to.
Correct: Bill drives too fast on his motorcycle too.

Hopefully this list helps to make you more aware of common mistakes writers make, and gives you a clear understanding of how they can be avoided.

Happy writing!


  1. Excellent informative post. This is going to help to great extent for every writer to get some new idea.

  2. In this online marketing the content should be really exceptionally high quality and unique to drive the business. These information are so useful for writers to take care and produce quality content for the success of the business. Thanks a lot.
