Monday, April 16, 2012

4 Simple Tips To Keep You Motivated To Write

Motivation is not always a constant, especially as a writer.  Because writing is mostly a creative endeavor, there will be times when you feel like you can write for days on end; however, there will also be times when you simply don't feel like writing.  For whatever reason - perhaps a lack of creativity, or the busyness of life - your motivation plummets, and the last thing you want to do is sit at the computer and peck away...again.

As someone who has been writing for a few years, I still have those days.  However, I know that if I don't stay motivated to write, my work would never get done.  And if I want to continue to build my business and career as a professional writer, then I have to push myself even when I don't necessarily feel enthused about doing so.

Here are a few tips that help keep me motivated to write:

  1. Commit to your craft.  Everyday, commit at least 30 minutes - or more - to writing.  Whether you feel like doing it or not, do it anyway.  Anything that you're not committed to is less likely to become a priority in your life.  If you don't make writing a priority, it will be pushed further and further down on your list of things to commit real time to.  Before you know it, you'll fail to make time to focus on your craft altogether.  So, to ensure that you stay on top of maximizing your potential as a writer, make it an important part of your daily routine.  Whether you're an article writer, or you're working on a book, commit to write everyday...rain or shine.
  2. Set goals.  Writing goals are important, and correlates with the previous tip.  Setting goals helps you to be accountable.  If you're a blogger, set a goal of how many posts you'll make on a weekly basis.  If you write articles, decide the amount of articles you'll submit within the month, and give yourself a deadline.  Or if you're writing a book, give yourself a specific word-count or decide how many chapters you'll write during the course of the day.  Set these goals and stick to them.  As a writer, especially freelance, no one is standing over you to ensure that you get your work done.  You're your own boss, so you are responsible for holding yourself accountable.  It can be challenging at times, but work towards disciplining yourself until becomes routine.  It helps a lot.
  3. Keep your eye on the prize.  Whatever your reason for writing, there's an end result you seek; it may be a book, or having your work published in major magazines.  If you keep the result you desire at the forefront of your mind, it can help you to remain motivated in your quest.  Failing to be consistent in your writing, makes it harder reach your desired result. 
  4. Reward yourself.  After you've remained diligent to committing time to write and sticking to your daily/weekly/monthly goals, reward yourself.  It's important that you acknowledge your achievements, because it helps in keeping you motivated.  If there's a sweet treat, cute pair of shoes, or some other luxury you've been dreaming about, make it the incentive for getting your work done in a timely manner.  I love treats, so this tip is almost always the perfect persuasion for me to stay focused.  Always celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how great or small.
A lack of motivation, if left unattended, can prove to be detrimental to your career as a writer.  Although I believe every writer experiences times when the creativity seems to disappear, I think following these few simple tips will help you keep your writing at a constant.  And the more you write, the better you'll become.

Happy Writing!

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