Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Thanksgiving Giveaway

I love Thanksgiving!  Although it's often overshadowed by America's favorite holiday - Christmas - it is my personal favorite.  Thanksgiving always puts me in a mode of reflecting upon the many things I am so grateful for, like life, good health, strength, a sound mind, my family, and the list goes on.  Aside from that, I enjoy gathering with my family around the dinner table, enjoying delicious food prepared with love -- and good seasoning!

While I am blessed to have all of the fine fixings that make up a great Thanksgiving feast, I am burdened by the fact that many families simply aren't able to afford such luxury.  And since Acts 20:35 tells us that "It is more blessed to give than to receive", it is my heart's desire to give a family the blessing of enjoying a Thanksgiving meal together.

As followers of Christ, it is our duty to be Jesus' hands and feet, and extend His love to our brothers and sisters.  We may not be able to physically help every person in need, but as Matthew 25:40 says, "when you did it to ONE of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!" So as an extension of Christ's love, this holiday season, LRC Editing  is giving away up to $100 in groceries to a family in need.

Here is how you, or a family you know, can possibly receive this gift:

Between now and November 16th, send a one-time email to LCollins@LRCEditing.com with "Thanksgiving" in the subject line.  Include your name (or the person/family you are submitting), address, phone number, family size, and the circumstances surrounding the need for help.  I will review all submissions, and as the Lord leads, contact the family selected on Monday, November 19th.  All submissions are confidential, and the family selected will not be publicly announced.

*Rules & Regulations*
1.  Must be a resident of Mobile, AL or surrounding areas of Mobile County.
2.  No cash, gift cards, gift certificates, checks, or anything of monetary value will be given. Groceries ONLY.
3.  Family cannot be directly related to any affiliates of LRC Editing.

Please, serious submissions only.

I look forward to being a blessing to you!

In Christ's love,
LaKeisha Rainey-Collins

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

A Writer's Manifesto

I came across the picture posted below on Google Images, and thought it would be perfect to share with all writers/aspiring writers.

Happy Writing!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Scripture Affirmation Day 3: The Lord Grants Me Wisdom

Today's Scripture Affirmation:  The Lord grants me wisdom.  From His mouth I receive knowledge and understanding. ~Proverbs 2:6~

Aside from taking the initiative to educate yourself about what it takes to be a successful writer, it is important that you connect to the Lord through prayer and His Word, so that He may crown you with wisdom, knowledge, and understanding concerning the purpose He has for the gift He has entrusted to you.  Even if you lack formal education or professional experience, if you are committed to doing what it takes to maximize your potential, you can trust that the Lord will give you what you need in order to succeed at what He's called you to do through writing career.

As long as you study to show yourself approved, you never have to feel inadequate, or inferior to any other writer, because the Holy Spirit will teach you all things.

Happy Writing!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Scripture Affirmation Day 2: What Are You Thinking?

Today's Scripture Affirmation: "As I think in my heart, so am I." ~Proverbs 23:7~

Thoughts are powerful, and your mindset ultimately determines your success or failure in life, including your writing career. If you think you aren't a great writer, you will not produce great work. Be mindful of your thoughts, and think positively concerning your gift.

"I think, therefore I am." ~Rene' Descartes~

Happy Writing!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Scripture Affirmations For Writers: Day 1

Over the next couple of weeks, I'll be sharing my favorite scriptures that encourage me throughout my writing career.
 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." ~Philippians 4:13~

I rely upon this scriptural affirmation a lot during my daily life, and even more as a writer.  My faith governs my life, and prayer and scripture reference are always my first resources whenever I need encouragement along my writing journey.

Writing can often be challenging, and whether you're a new writer, or an established one, you will inevitably encounter tough times during your career.  However, if the Lord has given you a specific purpose for the gift He's given you, you can fully rely upon His strength to help you accomplish your writing goals.

If He put it on your heart, He'll help you bring it to fruition.  Trust in His strength.

Tell me, what's your go-to scripture for help along your writing journey?

'Til next time...Happy Writing!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Writers: Rest Is Important

Proper rest leads to productive writing. Take some time to rest your mind, body, and spirit; it allows your creativity to flow more freely. 

I regret to inform you, but you are not a writing machine; even machines malfunction when proper maintenance is neglected.  As writers, we like to believe that we can write, and write, and write - especially when we have a particular goal set in place.  But this is not so.  When you are tired - mentally, physically, or spiritually - your writing will reflect exactly how you feel.  And the last thing you want to do is produce work that lacks vitality.

Rest is important...very important.  In the scheme of life, it's easy to put rest on the back-burner and push yourself to reach your daily, weekly, or monthly goals.  It's absolutely wonderful to be goal-driven; however, it's not so wonderful if you're too worn out - from a lack of proper rest - to enjoy your success.

It's perfectly okay to take a step back from your work to relax.  Rejuvenation refuels your mind, and helps your creativity to flow more freely.  You are at your best when you make time to rest.

As a writer, this is a lesson that I am continually learning.

Taking time to rest does not mean you are neglecting your writing goals.  It simply means that you respect your work enough to ensure that you are at your best so that you are able to give your all to your passion.

Here's what you can do:

Take an afternoon nap.
Go to bed an hour earlier than usual.
Sleep in an extra hour.
Create a healthy writing schedule.
Eat healthy foods.
Drink lots of water.
Take a trip to the spa.

Find whatever it is that helps you rest and rejuvenate, and take advantage of it.  Productive writers are well-rested writers.

Happy Writing!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

You Are Incomparable

The subject of comparing yourself to others has been pressed upon my heart lately.  As a writer with a heart for encouraging others, I recently penned an article inspiring women to embrace their own uniqueness, rather than focusing on how they fail to measure up to their peers.

In a society that says you should be a certain size, have a particular social and economic status, and obtain success by a certain age, it can be discouraging when the reality of your life fails to meet the world's standards of a "good life".

This often causes one to become insecure in who they are, and feelings of inferiority creep in and produce low self-esteem.  More often than not, the person experiencing these feelings believe they need to conform to what others do in order to obtain the life they have.
This also happens in the professional world.
When I first started out as a writer, I compared myself to those who, in my eyes, were much better than me.  I became so discouraged, and almost gave up on my dream, simply because I believed that I would never measure up to other prolific writers.
However, there were a few things I failed to remember, but, once reminded, helped me to take my focus off of how I didn't measure up to my colleagues, onto how I wasn't designed to be compared to anyone else.
I want to share what I discovered with you.
  • You were created in God's image, not man's.  Therefore, it is not necessary that you measure up to anyone else.  You are to be a reflection of Him; not a carbon-copy of your peers.
  • Your gifts, talents, and purpose is unique to God's design for your life.  Though you may share similar gifts and talents as others, the overall plan for how the Lord will use what He has implanted within you differs completely.
  • God sets the time-table for your life, not the time-frame of the accomplishments of others.  Your career will sky-rocket in God's perfect timing.  As long as you are walking in His will to the best of your knowledge and ability, and putting in the necessary work, He will promote you according to His perfect plan for your life.  To everything there is a season; don't despise small beginnings.
  •  If the Lord placed a dream in your heart, He will bring it to manifestation.  Trust that He will provide you with everything you need to birth the vision He's given YOU.
Everything about you, including your professional journey, is incomparable.  It's great to pull inspiration and glean wisdom from others, but at the end of the day, you must follow the unique path God has for you - which is neither superior nor inferior to that of anyone else.
"Make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given, and then sink yourself into that...Don't compare yourself with others." 
~Galatians 6:4, The Message~

NOTE:  LRC Editing would love to speak with you about your writing journey, and is now offering FREE 20-minute consultations. Email me at LCollins@LRCEditing.com to schedule your appointment. Happy Writing!

Monday, June 4, 2012

The Writer's 10 Commandments

There is tons of information out there informing writers of things they should do to establish themselves in the industry, but I find that there isn't much buzz about what writers should NOT do.  So, to help inform you of some things I believe would hinder, or be detrimental, to building your writing career, I have comprised a quick list I call The Writer's 10 Commandments.

If you are serious about becoming a successful writer, you should try not to do the following things:

1.  Thou shall not publish any work without a thorough edit. Grammatical errors, poor sentence structure, and improper punctuation will turn readers, or publishers, away. A good edit makes all the difference.

2.  Thou shall not write using someone else's voice. Be true to your own voice.

3.  Thou shall not make excuses. Excuses get you nowhere. 

4.  Thou shall not procrastinate. Procrastination produces nothing but lost time.

5. Thou shall not listen to the voice in your head. It will always tell you you're not good enough.

6.  Thou shall not compare yourself to other writers.  Everything about you is unique.

7.  Thou shall not fail to educate yourself on your craft. Knowledge is power, and the internet is filled with free, valuable information accessible to all. If you don't know, learn. 

8.  Thou shall not miss deadlines. Professionalism respects promptness.

9.  Thou shall not give in to fear. You can do all things through Christ who gives you strength. Place your confidence in Him.

10. Thou shall not give up on your dream. As it is said, winners never quit; quitters never win. 

Happy writing!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

10 Questions Every Writer Should Ask Themselves

I have comprised a list of questions I believe every writer should ask themselves before launching out into the writing industry.  Being truthful about your answers to these particular questions will make you more aware of your strengths and challenges, and help you zone in, and work towards improving in those areas where you aren't fully confident.

I have answered these questions on several occasions, and my honest answers always reveal my true passion towards my writing career.  Hopefully, they will do the same for you.

  1. Why do I write?
  2. Who do I write for?
  3. Do I take myself seriously as a writer?
  4. What are my short and long term goals as a writer?
  5. Because a writing career requires discipline, am I self-disciplined enough to set and reach goals on my own? If not, what am I willing to do to become more disciplined?
  6. Am I passionate enough about being a writer to motivate myself during rough patches?
  7. Can I handle rejection?
  8. What am I willing to do, and/or sacrifice, to grow and develop as a writer?
  9. Am I committed to being a writer for the long haul, or am I just exploring a hobby?
  10. Do I have a writing mentor?
Grab your journal, and take a moment to answer these questions.  You'll be surprised at how your answers will help you along your writing journey.

Happy Writing!
LaKeisha Rainey-Collins

Monday, April 30, 2012

Practical Tips To Help You Push Through Writing Challenges

I recently met a writing goal that I've been working towards for about 3 weeks.  I'm so excited that I finally got it done!  But that excitement didn't come easily.  When I first knew that I needed to complete this particular project, I thought it would be simple and quickly accomplished.  I was dead wrong.

I agonized over it for weeks.  Many days, I stared at an empty Word document while searching every corner of my brain for the right words to write.  Nothing.  Crickets.  Empty thoughts.

I became so discouraged, and disappointed in myself for not being able to expediently or efficiently conquer this simple task in the time-frame I originally predicted.  "I know I'm a good writer.  I don't understand why something this simple is so challenging for me"  I thought to myself as I clinched my teeth and fists, and looked towards the heavens.

Understanding that giving up was not an option and I had to get the project done, I knew that pushing through my mental roadblocks was a must.  I also had to realize that although I may be good at what I do, that does not guarantee that every writing task I take on or deem simple is going to come easy for me.   

The same applies to you as a new writer.

Every time you sit down to write is not going to be an easy, breezy task.  You will face challenges.  But that's no reason to question your ability as a writer, or become so frustrated that you give up.

As a Christian, prayer is always my saving grace whenever I find myself facing challenges.  As a Christian writer, it's no different.  Asking for God's help when writing becomes a challenge is a given for me, but there are also practical things that I turn to whenever I find myself stuck.

  1. Research the topic.  Google is often my best friend.  With one click, there is loads of information on whatever topic I need.  It's okay to look at other examples of what you're trying to do.  It doesn't mean that you plagiarize anyone else's work, but seeing other samples can serve as a bit of inspiration, and give you a clearer picture of how to complete your task at hand.  Use the internet to your advantage.
  2. Ask for help.  Asking for help doesn't always come easy for me; however, I'm learning that, if you just ask, others are willing to help you.  If you have other writer-friends, especially those with years of experience, ask them to help you.  Pick their brain for tips and ideas to help you stretch your mind.  Soliciting help does not discredit you as a writer, neither does it diminish the greatness of your gift; it actually makes you better.
  3. Keep writing.  Whatever you do, don't stop writing.  Even if your thoughts don't seem to come together, keep writing.  It's okay to take a break; I recommend it.  Taking a break gives your mind time to relax and refresh.  But after a short recess, get back to brainstorming and writing down your thoughts.  Eventually it will all come together.
Writing is a journey, and it's filled with ups and down.  Today you may feel creative enough to pen book after book after book, and tomorrow you may feel like just writing your name is a challenge.  But that's okay.  It's good to be challenged, because it pushes you beyond your current level of comfort.  So the next time you find yourself challenged by a writing piece, don't fret...just pray, research the topic, ask for help, and keep writing.

Happy Writing!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

10 Golden Rules For Writers

I came across an article about rules for new writers, and thought it would be beneficial to those who read the blog.  I agree with all of them, and actually govern myself by them, as well.  I hope you enjoy the list and find the rules to be helpful in your writing journey.

*Source: www.selfgrowth.com
*Author:  Elaine Currie 

Golden Rules For Writers - Things you need to know before you begin.

Rules govern everything we do in life; even if those rules are of the unwritten kind we abide by them and expect other people to do the same. Why should writing be any different? It isn’t. These rules are the basis for good writing. If anyone tries to tell you that rules are made to be broken, remember that you have to learn those rules before you try to bend them or break them otherwise you are just being sloppy, not radical.

The following rules are essential if you want people to take you seriously.

Be yourself
Write from the heart or the head or the gut, depending upon the type of writing you are doing. Never try to imitate somebody else’s style, no matter how much you might admire it, you will always appear fake. Find your own unique style, your own voice.

Know Your Subject
Write on topics you know about. Although that sounds obvious you don’t have to look very far to find masses of people publishing articles when it is clear that they have very little idea about their subject matter. This type of writing appears thin, limp and unconvincing even to the untrained eye. You should aim for writing which has substance; a rounded, healthy thing with a life of its own. Make the effort to research before you publish. If you can’t get to the library, there is always the internet. There is no excuse for trying to foist a poorly researched article on your readers. Do you want your readers to point you out as someone who does not know what s/he is talking about?

Be interested
Write about things which interest you. If you are not interested in your subject matter, you have little hope of catching the interest of your reader. If you are in a situation where you simply have to write about a subject which holds no real interest for you, try at least to find an original angle; this could stimulate you as well as your reader. If you cannot spark an interest in your subject, your writing will be flat and boring.

Punctuate proudly
Don’t be one of those people who pretend they don’t think punctuation matters: it does. Ask yourself this: if these people really believe that, why do they bother to punctuate at all? Why don’t they just write on and on without any dots or commas? That, surely, is more logical than putting in dots and commas in the wrong places. The truth is, they are too lazy to learn the rules and think they can get away with this by brushing punctuation off as unimportant. Punctuation has had a very bad time over the last forty years or so but I believe it is about to undergo a revival. These things go in cycles and it seems that punctuation is about to have its day at last. Correct punctuation could be the new black. If you don’t believe this, how do you explain why so many thousands of people bought “Eats, Shoots & Leaves”? Even if you have no interest in creating elegant prose, you should learn about punctuation . Without it your writing will at best be difficult to read and at worst not make sense. You will be left wondering why people are laughing at your serious work.

Respect the apostrophe
I know, I know, this is part of punctuation. I happen to think that apostrophes have spent so long being either ignored or abused they now deserve a mention of their own. I can cope quite well with commas and full stops appearing in the wrong place but an incorrectly inserted apostrophe makes me see red. Why do so many people insist on using the apostrophe when they clearly have no idea of its function? Beats me. An improperly placed apostrophe is to writing what a huge, ugly wart is to the nose on a beautiful face. Cruel people will point and laugh at you. You think I am exaggerating? If I am part of a minority on this point, why did so many people buy “Eats, Shoots & Leaves” that it became Book of the Year? Perhaps they thought it was a story about a panda.

Get great grammar
The rules of grammar are not difficult. In the olden days even little kids were taught grammar at school. One good thing about the rules of grammar is that they don’t keep changing so, once you learn the rules, they will stand you in good stead for the whole of your writing career. Along with punctuation, it is grammar which determines whether or not your writing makes sense. If you don’t know the rules, you will not know if your writing makes sense but other people will, believe me. (Back to pointing and laughing again.)

Spell well
You need to be able to spell in order to write properly. If punctuation is the putty in your windows, spelling is the bricks out of which your house is built. You will probably find this hard to believe but spelling used to be taught in schools in the olden days. You should not rely entirely on the spell checker on your word processor: it is only a machine trying to guess what word you have scrambled. If you are not sure about a word, look it up in a dictionary: it never hurts to know the correct meaning of words as well as the correct spelling. Never forget that spell check will take your words out of context: if you type “He sold his soul to Santa”, you can’t blame the spell checker for not knowing your really meant “Satan”. People would snigger cruelly if you failed to correct this.

Keep to the point
Never make the mistake of padding out your writing with unnecessary or irrelevant details. Keep to the subject announced in your title, after all, the title is probably what attracted the reader in the first place. If the body of your work does not relate to the expectation aroused by the title, the reader will feel tricked and nobody likes that feeling - your reader will move on to read somebody s/he can trust.

Read and revise
Boring but essential. However much we enjoy the writing process, reading the end product over and over and making changes is not what we want to be doing. We would rather be starting the next article which is bubbling up in our brains but we have to read, re-read, revise and revise again. It is easy to make mistakes when writing something over a long period . If you do not correct your mistakes before publication, you will lose the trust of your audience. (I never got over the fact that one of my favourite authors accidentally changed the date of birth of a main character half way through a novel. How could I ever believe in his people if they had moveable birthdays?) If you were a carpenter, you would not offer your customer an unfinished piece of furniture. The author should not dream of offering the reader an unpolished piece of writing.

Sleep on it
Don’t be in a rush to publish your work the minute it is finished. Let it rest. If it is ready for publication, it will still be ready tomorrow but, if it is not quite ready, you will have given yourself a chance to make a final amendment. This is particularly relevant when you are writing shorter things. If you have spent months redrafting a novel, you are likely to know if you have satisfactorily completed the final draft but it is easy to knock out and send off short items such as articles or letters and then regret our haste. There is always scope for improvement and what looks like a work of art in the evening glow, might not appear so well in the harsh morning light.

Pay attention to detail
If you do not pay attention to detail, you will not discover your errors and there will be plenty of people out there who will be delighted to pick out and highlight the smallest error. Some people just can’t help themselves: it is the way they are made (the way I react when a menu offers me a choice of “Salad’s” - salad’s what?). Other people are just waiting to see you trip yourself up. Don’t give them the satisfaction: get things right before they start pointing and you will have the last laugh. If you have realised that this paragraph is number eleven of my top ten and are already laughing - Well Done! If you did not notice - see what I mean?

Happy writing!

Monday, April 16, 2012

4 Simple Tips To Keep You Motivated To Write

Motivation is not always a constant, especially as a writer.  Because writing is mostly a creative endeavor, there will be times when you feel like you can write for days on end; however, there will also be times when you simply don't feel like writing.  For whatever reason - perhaps a lack of creativity, or the busyness of life - your motivation plummets, and the last thing you want to do is sit at the computer and peck away...again.

As someone who has been writing for a few years, I still have those days.  However, I know that if I don't stay motivated to write, my work would never get done.  And if I want to continue to build my business and career as a professional writer, then I have to push myself even when I don't necessarily feel enthused about doing so.

Here are a few tips that help keep me motivated to write:

  1. Commit to your craft.  Everyday, commit at least 30 minutes - or more - to writing.  Whether you feel like doing it or not, do it anyway.  Anything that you're not committed to is less likely to become a priority in your life.  If you don't make writing a priority, it will be pushed further and further down on your list of things to commit real time to.  Before you know it, you'll fail to make time to focus on your craft altogether.  So, to ensure that you stay on top of maximizing your potential as a writer, make it an important part of your daily routine.  Whether you're an article writer, or you're working on a book, commit to write everyday...rain or shine.
  2. Set goals.  Writing goals are important, and correlates with the previous tip.  Setting goals helps you to be accountable.  If you're a blogger, set a goal of how many posts you'll make on a weekly basis.  If you write articles, decide the amount of articles you'll submit within the month, and give yourself a deadline.  Or if you're writing a book, give yourself a specific word-count or decide how many chapters you'll write during the course of the day.  Set these goals and stick to them.  As a writer, especially freelance, no one is standing over you to ensure that you get your work done.  You're your own boss, so you are responsible for holding yourself accountable.  It can be challenging at times, but work towards disciplining yourself until becomes routine.  It helps a lot.
  3. Keep your eye on the prize.  Whatever your reason for writing, there's an end result you seek; it may be a book, or having your work published in major magazines.  If you keep the result you desire at the forefront of your mind, it can help you to remain motivated in your quest.  Failing to be consistent in your writing, makes it harder reach your desired result. 
  4. Reward yourself.  After you've remained diligent to committing time to write and sticking to your daily/weekly/monthly goals, reward yourself.  It's important that you acknowledge your achievements, because it helps in keeping you motivated.  If there's a sweet treat, cute pair of shoes, or some other luxury you've been dreaming about, make it the incentive for getting your work done in a timely manner.  I love treats, so this tip is almost always the perfect persuasion for me to stay focused.  Always celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how great or small.
A lack of motivation, if left unattended, can prove to be detrimental to your career as a writer.  Although I believe every writer experiences times when the creativity seems to disappear, I think following these few simple tips will help you keep your writing at a constant.  And the more you write, the better you'll become.

Happy Writing!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Discovering Your Personal Writer's Mission

As a new writer, I felt lost.  I knew I had a passion to pen words, but I had no clue where I actually fit.  I had a plethora of questions.  What type of writer would I be?  Should I be serious or comic? Would I write about life?  About motherhood?  Fiction? Marriage? Politics? Should I choose one genre and stick to that one alone?  Who would be my target audience?  Should I write solely for women?  Men?  Children?  I was all over the place.

After racking my brain and stressing myself out over my million questions, I came up with something that calmed all of my anxieties, and set the foundation for me as a writer.  I call it My Writer's Mission:

I will be the type of writer who is passionate about what I do, and writes from my heart no matter the subject, and I will fit wherever I am received.  I will be myself, and allow my unique personality to shine through the words that I pen.  I will write about whatever moves my heart and will encourage, educate, and empower those who read it, and I will not force my pen to create words I do not believe in.  I will not put myself, or my abilities, into a box, but will allow my creativity as a writer to take my readers to places they're mind will always remember. That's the type of writer I'll be - one that is passionate and pure.

With that mission embedded upon my heart, I embarked upon my endeavor as a writer with a solid foundation, and it has proved to keep me grounded and focused.

A lot of times, especially in the world of the arts, it can be overwhelming when trying to figure out where your unique craft fits, or how you will present it.  If you're anything like me, you'll go back and forth in your mind over-thinking and over-analyzing every little detail.  And, if you're not careful, you'll end up completely lost when it comes to the direction of your writing.  You don't want that to happen, because it's likely that you'll find yourself producing work that you're really not passionate about.  And when your heart isn't into what you do, you won't get the best results.

As a new writer, I urge you to discover your personal writer's mission.  Think about what you like to feel when you read others' work.  You don't want to mimic anyone, but it can serve as a starting point for discovering what you'd want your readers to experience as they read what you've written.  Don't limit yourself to one genre of writing; but by the same token, don't venture out into an area where you totally lack knowledge.  There's nothing worse than a writer who has no clue of what they're talking about.  It will leave your audience confused and dissatisfied with your work, and also discredits you as a writer.  You never want that to happen.

Once you set your writer's mission, don't allow anyone or anything to deter you from it.  Be confident in who you are as a writer, and allow your passion for the craft to direct you.  Your writer's mission will set the tone for all that you do; it's your foundation. With a solid foundation, you're able to build your career as a writer with integrity and intelligence.  You can't go wrong with that.

Happy Writing!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Common Misused Words Among Writers Pt. 2

In my last post, I talked about how I'd read an article listing the top misused words of the English language.  The article I read discussed how a writer's skills can be discredited by making those common mistakes.

Today, I read another article on Ezine listing another list of words that writers often seem to misuse.  The list is posted below.

affect vs. effect
affect – To have an effect on; make a difference to; an emotion or desire.
Incorrect: Chocolate effects my behavior.
Correct: Chocolate affects my behavior.
effect – To bring about; to cause something to happen; a change that is a result of an action or cause.
Incorrect: Chocolate has an incredible affect on behavior.
Correct: Chocolate has an incredible effect on behavior.

allot vs. a lot
allot – To give or to apportion something to someone as a share or a task.
Incorrect: I will a lot 3 prizes to the winners.
Correct: I will allot 3 prizes to the winners.
a lot – (never alot) A large amount, very many; also, very much.
Incorrect: I like monkeys allot. There are alot of them at the zoo.
Correct: I like monkeys a lot. There are a lot of them at the zoo.
Please note the context of a piece of land or lot, as in “a lot”, is also acceptable; however, it’s not a common usage error.

then vs. than
then – At that time; at the time in question; after that, next, afterward.
Incorrect: I went to the zoo and than to the park.
Correct: I went to the zoo and then to the park.
than – Used in expressions when introducing an exception or contrast.
Incorrect: Bob is shorter then Ralph.
Correct: Bob is shorter than Ralph.

lie vs. lay
lie – To be in or assume a horizontal or resting position; the way, direction, or position in which something lies.
Please note we will not be discussing “lie”, i.e. to tell a falsehood or to fib, because it’s not a common usage error.
Incorrect: I am going to lay down for a nap.
Correct: I am going to lie down for a nap.
lay – To put down (generally carefully or gently); the general appearance of an area.
Incorrect: I am going to lie the baby down for a nap.
Correct: I am going to lay the baby down for a nap.

desert vs. dessert
desert – To abandon; a dry, barren area of land; barren.
Incorrect: The nomads desserted the dessert in search of water.
Correct: The nomads deserted the desert in search of water.
dessert – The sweet course at the end of the meal.
Incorrect: Did you see this low-fat and delicious desert recipe?
Correct: Did you see this low-fat and delicious dessert recipe?

Again, hopefully this list helps to make you more aware of common mistakes writers make, and gives you a clear understanding of how they can be avoided.

Happy Writing!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Common Misused Words Among Writers

I have a natural eye for editing.  Whenever I read something my eyes automatically zone in on mistakes, and one commonality I see among a lot of writers is the misuse of homonyms.  Homonyms are words that sound the same, but have different meanings and spellings.  It's easy to make these simple mistakes; however, as a writer with great writing ability, you wouldn't want your work to be discredited because of it.

Last week, I read an article on Ezine.com that talked about the top misused words of the English language, and how making these common mistake can discredit a writer's skills. The article writer comprised a list of words, and gave their meaning and correct/incorrect usage.  I thought it would be very helpful for the writers who read this blog.  Check it out below.

*Reposted from Ezine*

Lose vs. Loose
lose – To be deprived of or cease to have; to cause someone to fail to gain or retain something.
Incorrect: Loose weight in 5 weeks or loose your chance to go to the beach!
Correct: Lose weight in 5 weeks or lose your chance to go to the beach!
loose – Not firmly or tightly fixed in place; to release or set free.
Incorrect: The dog’s collar was lose, so Bob tightened it before the dog got lose.
Correct: The dog’s collar was loose, so Bob tightened it before the dog got loose.

Its vs. It’s
its – Associated with a thing previously mentioned or in reference to an animal without prior knowledge of the animal’s gender.
Incorrect: That monkey will never be a ballet dancer; it’s posture is horrendous.
Correct: That monkey will never be a ballet dancer; its posture is horrendous.
it’s– Contraction of it is or it has.
Incorrect: John bikes to work. Its his favorite part of the day.
Correct: John bikes to work. It’s his favorite part of the day.

Your vs. You’re
your – Possessive form of you (typically used before a noun).
Incorrect: You’re article writing skills have improved!
Correct: Your article writing skills have improved!
you’re – Contraction of you are.
Incorrect: Your an article writing master!
Correct: You’re an article writing master!

Their vs. They’re vs. There
their – Possessive adjective indicating a particular noun belongs to them.
Incorrect: There keys are in the ignition.
Correct: Their keys are in the ignition.
they’re – Contraction of they are.
Incorrect: Where are they? Their at the shop.
Correct: Where are they? They’re at the shop.
there – Reference to the existence of something; a place or position.
Incorrect: Their is a reason why the pie is gone. John ate the last slice over they’re.
Correct: There is a reason why the pie is gone. John ate the last slice over there.

To vs. Too
to – In the direction of or at; used with the base form of a verb to show the verb is in the infinitive.
Incorrect: Susan goes too the store too buy vegetables.
Correct: Susan goes to the store to buy vegetables.
too – Very, as well, also.
Incorrect: Bill drives to fast on his motorcycle to.
Correct: Bill drives too fast on his motorcycle too.

Hopefully this list helps to make you more aware of common mistakes writers make, and gives you a clear understanding of how they can be avoided.

Happy writing!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Beating Writer's Block

You sit down to write and...crickets.  Suddenly your brain seems to have lost all ability to produce thoughts.  I can't tell you you how many times I have sat, head in hands, staring at a blank word document in frustration.  As a busy mom who doesn't always have a lot of time to devote to writing, when writer's block strikes I am not a happy camper.

But it happens to the best of us, whether we like it or not.  Since it's a no-brainer that writer's block will rear its head, I'll share a few tips that help me to get my writing juices flowing whenever I feel stuck.

  • Rest.  If your mind is tired, you can hang it up.  You won't be able to write - at least not at your best - if you fail to allow yourself adequate rest needed to function properly.  Take a power nap, or steal away to a quiet place for a while and relax.

  • Take a break.  If you find yourself stuck for a long period of time, and nothing worth writing finds its way into your brain, then it's time to take a break.  Step away from the computer, and move on to something else. Sometimes, taking your mind off of the task at hand helps you to refocus and discover fresh ideas.

  • Don't dismiss random thoughts.  Write down your thoughts, no matter how random or far-fetched they may seem.  You just might end up finding something great in the midst of your randomness.  I certainly have.

  • Pray.  Though last on the list, this is certainly not least.  Prayer and meditation works wonders; it's good for mind and spirit.  It relaxes your mind, removes interferences, and refreshes the spirit - all perfect ingredients to help get those writing juices flowing freely.
The next time writer's block zaps your brain, hopefully these simple tips will help you to re-energize.

Happy writing!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

5 Tips for Busy Mommy-Writers

As a wife and stay-at-home mom to three boys, my days are full and busy. Between grocery shopping and preparing meals; cleaning and laundry; potty training and feedings; homework and projects, it can be a challenge to find adequate time for writing. I am extremely passionate about my family; by the same token, I am also passionate about my craft. Therefore, it is important to me that I am able to devote time and attention to nurturing and developing my skills. 

In a perfect world, my daily schedule would always run smoothly, and I’d have no problem making time for writing. My younger two sons would take synchronized naps every day. Laundry would never pile up. My oldest son would remind me of school project deadlines weeks in advance. The children would never get sick. My husband would always arrive home on time for dinner. But in my not-so-perfect world, that’s all wishful thinking. Most days my schedule gets thrown out of the window; the children play straight through naptime; laundry becomes demanding; my oldest son doesn’t remember his project is due until the night before; and I’m sure to get the honey-I’m-going-to-be-late call from my husband. The time to sit down and write becomes slim to none.

 So what’s a mommy-writer to do? How does she find the time to write without feeling rushed and frazzled? Well, here are a few tips that work well for me:

 1. Set weekly writing goals. Setting goals gives you something to work towards and makes you accountable. If you’re writing a book, you should set a weekly word count. If you are a blogger, consider how many blogs you’ll post within a week. If you write articles, decide how many submissions you’ll make. When you set your goals, stick to them. Just as you may do with your children, give yourself a reward for accomplishing your goals, or take something away if you don’t. Be accountable to yourself.

 2. Use children’s naptime as writing time. This can often be quite challenging. After you set your goals, the next thing you need to do is find time to work towards them. What better time than your children’s naptime! It’s quiet, and you can focus your mind solely on the task at hand. Sure enough, there will be times when you’d much rather join your sleeping angels for some beauty rest – and there are definitely times when that is necessary – but if you can help it, use that hour or so specifically for writing. You’ll be amazed at how much writing you can get done during that time.

 3. Stay up past bedtime. Proper rest is most important, and writing while sleepy is never a good idea. However, on those days when you’re able to get in a power nap with your children, consider staying awake an hour or two after your family has settled for the night to work towards your writing goals. You will often find that this can sometimes serve a dual purpose – it helps you relax and unwind from a busy day, and allows you uninterrupted time to devote towards nurturing your craft.

 4. Jot down your thoughts. As a mom, there’s so much that runs through your mind during the course of the day. If you’re anything like me, the inspiration to write hits at the most inopportune times and you’re unable to devote the time to getting it all out. This is where modern technology becomes your best friend. Between smartphone and ipad apps, it’s easy to voice record your thoughts and come back to them at a later time. That way, you won’t lose all of the great ideas that came to your mind while in the middle of feeding your little one, or cleaning the mess your independent toddler made. If you’re not too tech savvy, there’s always the old faithful pen and paper. When it comes to your mind, jot it down.

5. Make it a game. During your children’s playtime, make writing a game. You can give your children their own paper and crayons while you grab your laptop (Or whatever you use to write.), set the timer for 15 minutes and have mommy and kids writing time. The children will enjoy scribbling all over their paper, and you’ll actually be able to get some work done, all while spending time with your children.

The life of a mom is a busy one, and that of a mommy-writer can sometimes be challenging. If you keep first things first, prioritize, and make the best of the time you have, you can be successful at building your writing career. Don’t fall to pieces if a day or two passes and you weren’t able to get much, or any, writing done. That’s okay, because at the end of the day family comes first.

Happy Writing!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

3 Mental Hurdles for New Writers and How to Overcome Them

I was so excited.  I’d finally found my niche – writing – and I was ready to jump into the deep and make it a real profession.  In my excitement, I made a plan to write every single day.  I thought, I’ll start a blog…write for magazines…pen books, and in my mind, I thought it would all be effortless.  I presumed that words would flow from my fingertips as easily as water flows from a faucet.  Boy was I wrong!

As a new writer, I found it hard to find inspiration.  But more than that, my excitement about being a writer quickly turned into apprehension when I began to size myself up against all of the other great writers out there.  I felt like an ant in a room full of grasshoppers.  Scary!  Before I knew it, I was second-guessing myself and feeling like no one would want to read anything I had to say.
Here are a few crippling thoughts that ran through my mind, and tips on how I worked through them:

1.      Will people like my work?  This was one of my biggest concerns.  With so many writers out there producing great work, I wondered if I had the ability to do the same, and if others would like it.  As in any facet of life, you simply will not appeal to everyone.  No matter how great your work may be, there will be some that will not be pleased.  But that’s okay.  The people that are supposed to will gravitate towards your work, and they will love it.  So yes, people will like your work as long as you give it your best.

2.      What makes me different from any other writer?  Everyone has their own uniqueness; that includes you.  Although you may target the same genre of writing as other writers, your unique style of writing is what sets you apart.  The main thing here is not to focus so much on being different, but rather on just being yourself.  Readers aren’t necessarily looking for writers who stand out, but more so for those whose authentic personality shines through their written work.  You’re already different from other writers because your talent is unique to who you are and the people you’re supposed to reach.

3.      What qualifies me to be a writer?  This one can be kind of tricky.  Some will argue that education, experience, and expertise spell qualification.  If you have that, that’s great.  However, there are many accomplished writers who have none of that.  Your gift, talent, and passion for what you do are what qualify you.  That’s something that comes from within, and cannot be taught, coerced, or fabricated.  When you’ve got it, you’ve got it.  You just have to be confident in what’s within, whether you’ve been professionally trained or not.

The wonderful thing about being a writer is that the more you do it, the better you become.  The problem most new writers have is actually getting started…that was definitely the case for me a few years ago.  So how do you start?  You start one sentence at a time, and you build from there.  The world of writing can sometimes be very intimidating, but you can get over that hurdle by focusing on your strengths and working to improve your weaknesses.

Happy writing!
-LaKeisha Rainey-Collins

Monday, January 16, 2012

Simple Writing Tip

Welcome to the blog home of LRC Editing!

Here, I will share weekly writing tips to help you become a better writer.  Be sure to check back every Tuesday for new tips from myself, or other writers and authors.

Simple Tip #1 - Never write when you're sleepy.

If your brain and body are tired, and you're struggling to keep your eyes open, it's best to just put the pen, or computer, away until you get some rest.  A tired mind cannot produce excellence.  Take a little time to rejuvenate; then your thoughts, or creative juices, will flow freely.

Til next time...happy writing!

LaKeisha Rainey-Collins